helping you transition 
into A nEW
aligned career

that helps you transition into a new aligned career

that feels like HOME.

A 5-month group coaching experience 

Do you want to find a career you're passionate about without risking financial stability?

Are you ready to kiss your confusion goodbye & once & for all get rid of that persistent sense of stuckness?

Do you dream of waking up in the morning eager to start your day, driven by a deep sense of joy & meaning?

hey. career changer,

Do you feel like it’s FINALLY TIME to take charge of your unfulfilling professional life?

All the while getting paid for using your unique gifts, talents & skills? 

a happy dance when you realise that your new career is...

a happy dance when you realise that your new career is...

a literal extension of who you are, that fits you like a glove, & feels effortless to pursue while getting rewarded abundantly for simply being after day...month after month...year after year?

How about...

And I would love the opportunity to support you in making it yours.

This is not a pipedream.

curated for women like yourself to help you find & transition into an aligned career you were meticulously 'designed' for.

the holistic career change group program


the HCCG PROGRAM is...

an unconventional approach to career change

using contemporary modalities tailored to your unique essence. This is NOT a traditional one-size-fits-all career development program.

a holistic, multifaceted POV

which doesn't just take into account your work history & skillset - it embraces your entire being. We delve into your unique personality, energy dynamics, gifts, life purpose, & intricate inner design.  All of these inform us of the most aligned career track for you.

a unique container

where strategy meets intuition, coaching, & community.

a step-by-step proven process

that has been vetted & tested by many career changers who found & transitioned into their fulfilling careers. 

Hey there,

I'm Vilma, your holistic career change coach

My clients refer to me as a perfect blend of strategy & magic.

I’m a Certified Career Change and Strategic Intervention coach. I've trained under the father of coaching Tony Robbins & Master Therapist Cloe Madanes. I’m also a licensed Firework Career Coach & hold a Master's degree in Finance and a Bachelor's in International Business.

But beyond my credentials, I'm simply an intuitive empath who has been passionately supporting career changers & business owners for nearly a decade. In my unique programs, I offer an unconventional blend of advanced coaching strategies, mindfulness practices, somatic awareness tools, intuitive
downloads & business coaching to help my clients build new aligned careers & successful businesses.

coach, witch, intuitive empath, aries sun - gemini moon - pisces asc, INFJ/ENFJ,  manifestor, LIFE PATH 6

because I've walked the talk. 

because I've
walked the talk. 

I've gone from a corporate ladder-climber to an aligned coaching business OWNER & now I specialise in 180 career switches

Why would you work with me?

This is where you get to find your Purpose & build a financially successful career around it.

My journey wasn't a smooth pivot. It took iterations, trial, and error & that's exactly why I'm SO passionate about what I do.

I've been in your shoes & earned the stripes. The hard way.

And since my transition, I've helped hundreds of women radically transform their professional lives.

'I walked away a completely new person. I can't believe how throughout the program it all came together and clicked for me. I would have never imagined I was capable of getting so much clarity on an ideal career.'

-Alison c.

Here's why this program is different

it's a complete career change toolkit, designed to support you every step of the way

Most programs out there focus on either the practical (strategy, transition plans) or the intangible (mindset work). I believe a truly successful transition requires both. That's why at HCCG we take a holistic, mind-body-soul approach to career change.

In addition, years of supporting career changers have given me unique insights into what people really need when considering a career shift. While everyone's journey is unique, this program covers the most common stages & helps you tackle the universal challenges all career switchers face. We dive deep into everything from uncovering your career DNA to conquering imposter syndrome, from navigating tricky conversations with loved ones to crafting solid financial plans. You'll even learn to tap into your body's wisdom for decision-making (and that's just scratching the surface!).

it blends group support with personaliSed guidance

When crafting this experience, I wanted to give you the best of both worlds. You'll get to heal & grow alongside an intimate community of like-minded women who truly get what you're going through. Together, you'll face similar challenges and celebrate each other's wins. But that's not all. You'll also receive tailored 1:1 support from me, our in-house coaches, & our expert astrologer. 

This hybrid approach ensures you're never alone on your journey, yet your individual needs are met. Imagine having a sisterhood of support AND a dream team of experts in your corner. That's the HCCG experience.






here's what

Now, let's talk specifics

Teaching & laser-focus individual coaching.

of other career changers for support & accountability.

Weekly CHALLENGES to help you implement & take inspired action.

A career & purpose ASTROLOGY READING.

Access to a PROGRAM PORTAL -
A step-by-step career change process.



TWO 1on1 SESSIONS with Vilma to help you finalise your decisions.


Sessions with a SOMATIC COACH to help you process & release fear & anxiety.


A consultation with a FINANCIAL COACH to help you prepare financial runway for change.

Early bird bonus

Launch Your Dream Business Online

A no-nonsense, strategy-packed bonus self-study course on building a thriving online service business. From legal setup to niche mastery, offer creation to scaling success - this course covers it all. You can skip the guesswork & build your aligned business quickly.



Before your transition, you'll master the essentials of change - managing your mind (aka gremlins), clearing your energetic body, & regulating your nervous system. These aren't just nice-to-haves - they're the foundation of your success. If we skip this - your body & limiting beliefs might resist change, sabotaging your efforts. Most career changers overlook this crucial step, but it's often the difference between thriving in your new career & sliding back to old patterns. We'll make sure you're primed for lasting transformation, setting you up for a career pivot that's long-lasting.


♣️ REWIRING LIMITING BELIEFS (The self-coaching model)

PROGRAM breakdown:


Your Blueprint is your unique career DNA - who you are at your core in a career context. This is THE missing piece that keeps many career changers confused about aligned careers.

This deep dive will help you uncover authentic professional self, strip away layers of societal conditioning & get clear on your ideal career. This is the 'WHAT?' & 'WHY?' of the program. WHAT you're naturally designed to pursue & WHY this path is aligned.



career design

Armed with your authentic career Blueprint, you'll be guided to design an aligned fulfilling career or business. 

You'll shortlist careers or business(es) that match your core career pillars & start 'collecting data' on each of those options.




Before fully committing, you'll take your potential new career for a spin. This crucial phase lets you triple-check that your chosen path truly aligns with your authentic self.

Having tested it out, you'll make your final decision regarding your new expansive career or business.




In the last phase of the program, you'll focus on your transition process. You'll put together a realistic timeline of transition, review & plan your finances, & decide on the most suited transition type and pace. This is the 'HOW?' of the program.

You'll build a short-term transition plan with clear milestones & a long-term career vision. At this point, many career changers have already started their transition.



Move into a new professional chapter of your life. 

Find clarity on your unique Purpose.

Break free from your soul-crushing job & step into a career that lights you up.

Have a clear step-by-step plan to transition into your new career without pay cuts or anxiety-ridden nights.

Become imposter-proof knowing you can excel at your new path without having to start from scratch.

Feel grounded & equipped to tackle your switch because you've learnt proven tools & practices to support your mind, body & energy resources throughout the change.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* get to:


Don't just THINK about whether you'd like to join - FEEL it out. Check for resonance - does this program feel 'RIGHT' in your body? Does it feel expansive, energising, hopeful?

If you resonate with this program but have questions or would like my objective help evaluating whether this program is the right decision for you, please schedule a short call to connect.

2. book a call if you have questions

If you've made your decision & this program is exactly what you've been looking for, reserve your slot now.
This is a small group program - slots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. reserve your slot now

what clients
are saying

an individual career & purpose astrology reading by the in-house astrologer

an individual consultation with the in-house financial coach to prepare your finances for transition

1. READ THROUGH the details on this page

book a chat

enroll now


"I absolutely loved this program & loved working with Vilma!

Going through this step-by-step process propelled me into a brand new path that I've never thought I would ever embark on & helped me overcome fears around owning a business."

enroll now

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz!"

next review

let's not waste any more of your precious time

A year from now you'll
wish you've started today....

What's next?

1. prepare for your transition

2. discover your unique career blueprint

3. design your aligned career

5. create a fail-prooF transition plan

4. test it out before switching

It allowed me to meet my truest self in an encouraging, thoughtful way. Working through the Blueprint process alone helped me gain a deeply profound awareness of some innate qualities that I sort of knew I possessed, but didn’t fully understand.
Bringing these aspects to the surface to be able to utilise them as tools in my next career was probably the most valuable part of the process. To someone who is afraid to change careers or join a program like this one, I would say that you can only gain from this process - knowledge about yourself, tools to help you regulate your nervous system and prepare for change, and truly thoughtful guidance and support throughout. 

Taylor found an unexpected new career path

"It exceeded my expectations!

Vilma has created a comprehensive program that arms people with the tools and knowledge they need to live a more aligned life - not only in their careers but in their personal life. 

This program helped me peel layers of inauthenticity I had adopted to succeed at work and identify fears that were holding me back, especially the financial ones. Above all, it gave me crystal clarity on my core career pillars & the career direction I need to take if I want to lead an aligned life. 

The group calls really helped with accountability & I really appreciated Vilma's style of coaching - she's amazing at recognising when you need a feminine empathetic energy and when you need to be called out on your BS.

Vilma's ability to switch between nurturing support and necessary challenge was invaluable. She held up a mirror, pushing me to find authentic answers.”

lauren reconnected with her authentiticty 

"I tell everyone about this course because it's helped me so much on so many levels.

Before this program, I felt all over the place and unsure about my career choices - this experience changed everything. It explained my journey and connected the dots I couldn't see before.
The program became a powerful confirmation for my business. Now, I have zero doubts about my path. That's a big change from constantly questioning my decisions and wondering if I was on the right track.
It's given me a deeper understanding of myself and my patterns. I've learned to give myself permission to lead life by design - whether it's about working hours or understanding my emotions better.
What I appreciate most is how Vilma has taken away the guesswork. She guides you through the process, making the journey of self-discovery and career alignment so much clearer.

Linda got confirmation on an aligned business


"This program has been life-changing!

Payment Plan

Bonus course on how to build an online service business

5 payments of $550

One Payment 

Bonus course on how to build an online service  business

1 payment of $2599

works for you

select the plan that

Early bird pricing*

Early birds save $400

*on October 21st investment increases to $2,999 pay-in-full or 5 payments of $650

Early birds save $500


Book a call to discuss if this is the right fit

schedule a chat

the best value!

listen to the podcast episode about Lauren's & linda's experience in the group

It's designed to help you discover your calling.

The goal of this group coaching experience is NOT to help you land yet another boring job. 

Have discovered the perfect-fit career & have clarity on why it's aligned for you

Have a step-by-step plan on how to transition and excel at your new career or business

Have peace of mind around your finances, knowing that your transition is planned out & financially safe

Have made life-long friends with like-minded career changers

Have confidence that you will be successful in your new endeavour because this career feels a natural extension of who you are

By the end of
you will...


Not feel fearful about changes in the economy/AI takeover because your career path is unique & can't be replicated

"I now have a clear picture of what's aligned for me.


Before joining this program, I was lost. I didn't quite know who I was - I would see glimpses of myself in other people and situations, but I was out of tune and I'd constantly merge with the environment. I was also very concerned about what others would think of my career change, and I was drained of feeling like I was  driven by validation and what others felt was best for me.

The program transformed my perspective. Through the thought work, I freed myself from the fear of judgment and the Blueprint process gave me a framework to compare different aligned opportunities. I now know what I want, I have given myself permission to want it, and it feels so liberating and energizing!

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

- jordan s.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.

It's a group spell.
Your energy + my energy +
the collective energy

All focused on one SPECIFIC intention:

To help you FIND & transition into a new career you'll be head over heels in love with. 

Take a moment to imagine what it will feel like to finally reclaim your energy & feel excited & proud of a career you want to retire in.

Picture finally being able to lead an aligned life, ON purpose WITTH a purpose where you can live & work on your terms, in deep reverence to your natural cycles.

Feel the sensation of having a job you believe in so much - you'd do it for free.

This outcome is not a fantasy.

Of a future that’s inevitable if you desire and choose it.

Want to speed up this reality manifesting & make it into your NOW?

The holistic Career change GROUP program isn't just a program

It's a memory

Then this program is for you.

Your journey doesn't end when the program does. By joining the group you'll receive a lifetime access to the exclusive program portal. Including all the future career change resources we create.


This      for you if:

you're ready to commit to your transformation

you want someone else to give you all the answers

you're looking for a meaningful &  financially rewarding careeR

YOU'RE NOT WILLING to dedicate time & space to the program

you want a holistic approach

It's probably        for you if...

you don't like introspecting & doing the inner work



Let's find your new career!


“I’m walking away AN evolved, empowered, and purposeful woman in my career and other areas of my life.”

- Wubet Y.

Payment Plan

Bonus course on how to build an online service business

5 payments of $550

One Payment 

Bonus course on how to build an online service  business

1 payment of $2599

works for you

select the plan that

Early bird pricing*

Early birds save $400

*on October 21st prices increase to $2,999 pay-in-full or 5 payments of $650

Early birds save $500


Book a call to discuss if this is the right fit

schedule a chat

What does it mean to change career 'HOLISTICALLY'?

'Holistic' implies a multi-faceted mind-body-soul approach to career change. This program uses a wide array of approaches and methodologies such as conventional coaching, CBT techniques, career change strategies, neuroscience, emotional Vipassana, intuitive guidance and financial planning tools just to name a few. They all work together to help you gain clarity around your career, address different aspects of cognitive function and behavioural patterns as well as help you deepen your connection with your intuitive guidance as you transition into a new career. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be the TIME & DAY OF WEEKLY GROUP COACHING CALLS & what if I can't make them every week?

Weekly calls will take place on Mondays. The time of weekly calls will be chosen to accommodate different time zones & availability. All the calls will be recorded and uploaded to the member portal within 24 hrs after the call.

How does GROUP COACHING work? What if I don't always get coaching on the call?

In addition to the content on the member portal, there will be weekly 60 min group coaching calls. On the calls anyone who raises their hand will receive individual coaching. If for some reason you don’t get coached - you will still benefit from observing and integrating the coaching received by the other program participants. 

Group dynamics can be very powerful and healing. The recurring feedback group participants give is that they can get massive inner transformations just by witnessing other people receiving coaching. You will also have access to a private community where you can ask for coaching in writing between the calls.

What is the TIME COMMITMENT required to make the most of the program?

Up to 3 hours /week. 1 hr coaching call + up to 2 hrs/week to go through & complete weekly material. You will also be asked to introduce new practices such as nervous system regulation, meditation, and journaling which may require you to slightly adjust your daily routine.

Is this program a GOOD FIT for me if I already have a rough idea of what I want to do?

Yes. This program is designed for both types of women - those who already have an inclination of what a fulfilling career looks like for them and those who don’t have any idea yet. If you’ve already done some soul-searching, this program will help you solidify and validate your choice, equip you with tools and offer accountability to start your transition. 

I don’t want to get ANOTHER DEGREE, will this program help me switch to a career that doesn’t require me to go back to school?

Yes. The vast majority of women who complete the holistic career change program find purpose-aligned careers that leverage their existing skillset and experience which allows them to transition without going back to school. You may, however, need to invest in additional certification and training but that is usually not as time and cost-intensive as going back to school.

I’m worried about the FINANCIAL INVESTMENT. Am I being irresponsible investing in a program in the current economic climate?

It’s important to make a financial decision you feel comfortable with. Having said that, if you already feel unstable and unhappy in your current career, postponing getting clarity on the next career move will likely make the situation worse as time goes by. If you were able to find a new path and transition on your own, chances are - you'd already be in a new aligned career. More time is unlikely to give you more clarity.
You might be missing key information and may have blind spots that you may need support with to gain clarity and build a transition strategy. We live in volatile and unstable times where job security is not guaranteed. The only investment that will always pay off and bring you dividends is investing in yourself. Joining now means that in 5 months time you'll have made solid efforts in exiting your current career and have started building a new career or business which will feel like coming home and will support you for the rest of your life. 

How do you collect PAYMENTS?

You will be invoiced and charged via Stripe. You can use any valid credit card to make your payment. If you opt for a payment plan, you will automatically be charged a recurring monthly payment the first week of the month for the duration of the program (5 months).


A program portal is a virtual 'home' for this container which will house career change content and recordings of the coaching calls. Once you log in, you will have access to the onboarding modules and preparation work you will be invited to complete before you start the program. Every week you will receive new material - videos, worksheets, and guided meditations on a weekly theme (such as identifying your favourite skills, working on your Blueprint, shifting limiting beliefs, etc.). 

What if I go through the program & DON'T FIND what I'm meant to do for my career?

There has not been one single person who completed all the assignments, asked for coaching, finished all the modules, and did not identify an aligned career direction for themselves. While this holistic approach is unconventional, it has proven to work, without exceptions. The only circumstance when this program doesn't work - is if you don't do the work (in that case no program or approach will ever work).

You are a beautiful amalgamation of life experiences, character traits, predispositions, interests, skills, and gifts. This unique bouquet of qualities is not accidental - when you look at all of them in their entirety you will start seeing patterns. The holistic career change program will help you uncover these patterns, connect the dots and inform you of an aligned career direction. 

schedule a chat

I understand that investing in your career change journey is a big decision. That's why I'm here to answer any questions you might have & help you determine if this program aligns with your needs & goals.

This is an intimate group experience offered only twice a year. Your success & satisfaction are my top priorities, so I want to ensure it's the perfect fit for you.

not sure if this program is